I keep thinking how odd this time must be for recent graduates, sixteen year olds who just got their driver's licence but can't venture to the mall or the movies, the seniors without a prom, and even elementary schoolers who will all have a gap semester in their schooling. Fortunately for our family, a one-and-a-half year old doesn't really know the difference. NLW is still learning, growing, and developing at a rapid speed as if it didn't matter that restaurants, playgrounds, zoos, and museums are all closed. Regardless of pandemic circumstances, toddler life is both monotonous and exhilerating.

That said, I think I'll look back fondly on these just-the-two-of-us days consisting of meandering walks, park explorations, neighborhood drives, and snacks on benches. The daily sightings and confident proclamations of "airplane" "doggie" "bird" "baby" "squirrel" and "kitty" keep me on my toes. You just never know when you'll have the chance to explain the differences between crows, pigeons, sparrows, and hummingbirds :)
Hoping things re-open soon,