About Me

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Dog-earred Pages | 2022

In an effort to be more intentional about what I read this year, I created a just-for-me reading plan.

January: Self-Help
February: Anti-Racism
March: Memoir
April: Poetry
May: Summer Reading
June: Summer Reading
July: Summer Reading
August: Summer Reading
September: Kid Lit + YA
October: Motherhood
November: Nonfiction
December: Cozy Classic or Re-read

The goal is to read one title for each monthly theme and fill in extra books as time allows. I actually hope to read fewer books than in past years, but for there to be a higher percentage of "couldn't put it down" and "would recommend to a friend" books in the mix.

Here are 22 titles I'm considering for 2022:

Reading for enjoyment,


1 comment:

  1. Can heartily commend Middlemarch and Death of Ivan Ilych!
